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10 парч. Уметоци Сет
Уметоци спакувани во  Сет.
Содржина Шифра.
1 Држач P-16782
1 x 0.6 x 4.5 Flat
1 x 1.2 x 6.5 Flat
2 X PH2
1 x PZ1
2 X PZ2
1 X PH2
1 x PZ1
2 X PZ2
14 pcs Мини сет на Уметоци
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
13pcs x 25 mm 3pcs x Phillips: #1/2/3,
4pcs -Slotted: 3/4/5/6 mm
4pcs Pozi: PZ1/2/2/3,
2pcs -Hex: 4/6 mm
1pc Mini-Chuck -
28 pcs Титаниумски Уметоци Сет
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
28 x 50mm (L) Bits w/ Titanium 10pcs Pozi: PZ0x2pcs, PZ1x3pcs, PZ2 x 3pcs, PZ3 x 2pcs
4pcs Slotted: 3/4/5/6 mm
4pcs Hex: 3/4/5/6 mm
7pcs Torx: T8/10/15/20/25/30/40
3pcs Phillips: PH1, PH2, PH3
Пластична кутија -
49 pcs Сет
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
40pcs x 25 mm (L) Завртувачи Bits,
W/4pcs Пластичен држач
10pcs Pozi: PZ0x2, PZ1x2, PZ2x4, PZ3x2
8pcs Hex: 3x2, 4x2, 5x2, 6x2
10pcs Phillips: PH0x2, PH1x2, PH2x4, PH3x2
4pcs Torx: T10, T15, T20, T25
8pcs Slotted: 3x2, 4x2, 5x2, 6x2
5pc Насадни клучеви 6/7/8/10mm & 5/16"
1pc Maklok Брзо изменлив држач -
1pc No.8 4xWay Driver Bady
With 25mm Pozi 2 Bit
1pc 4x -
1pc шестоаголен носач -
Пластична кутија -
11 pcs Изменливи завртувачи Сет
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
7 pcs - 50mm Завртувачи  4pcs Phillips bits: 1pc of PH1
2pc of PH2
1pc of PH3
3pcs Slotted bits 1pc of 5/32, 1pc of 3/16,
1pc of 1/4
1 pc - Рачка -
1pc - PH2 Завртувачи 25mm
1pc - Магнетски Продолжеток 80mm
1pc - Брзо променлива магнетска глава -
Шестоаголен на Правоаголен прифат Адаптер
Опис Големина Шифра.
1pc Шестоаголен на Правоаголен прифат Адаптер 1/4"x1/4" P-51823
1pc Шестоаголен на Правоаголен прифат Адаптер 1/4"x3/8" P-51839
1pc Шестоаголен на Правоаголен прифат Адаптер 1/4"x1/2" P-51845
Magnetic Завртка Setter
For use with 3 Jaw, Maklok chuck and 1/4" Hex drive Алат
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
1pc Magnetic Завртка Setter 7mm P-51708
1pc Magnetic Завртка Setter 5/16" P-51742
1pc Magnetic Завртка Setter 8mm P-51714
1pc Magnetic Завртка Setter 10mm P-51720
1pc Magnetic Завртка Setter 13mm P-51736
Magnetic Bit Држач
Holds all 1/4" bits securely for use with 3 Jaw or Maklok Chuck and 1/4" Hex drive Алат
Опис Шифра.
1pc Magnetic Bit Држач
Големина: 1/4" x 75mm
Maklok Chuck
For use on 1/4" Drive Алат and 3 Jaw Chucks
Опис Шифра.
1pc Maklok Quick Change Chuck P-51421
Screw guide Сет
Holds and guides screw in the correct position without wobbling or disengaging from the bit.
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
1pc x Screw Guide 20mm P-46274
3pcs x 25mm Bit 2pc x Pozi drive: PZ1, PZ2
1pc x Slotted: 6-8
Stubby Screw guide
Holds and guides screw in the correct position without
wobbling or disengaging from the bit.
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
1pc Stubby Screw Guide 80mm P-46268
3pcs x 25mm Bits
2pcs x Pozidrive: PZ1, PZ2
1pc x Slotted: 6-8
Clear screw guide Сет
Holds and guides screw in the correct position without wobbling or disengaging from the bit.
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
1pc Clear Magnetic Screw Guide 120mm P-46280
3pcs x 25mm Bits
2pcs x Pozi: PZ2, PZ2
1pc x Slotted: 8-10
Clear and stubby screw guide Сет
Holds and guides screw in the correct position without wobbling or disengaging from the bit.
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
1 pc Clear Magnetic Screw Guide 120mm P-46296
1pc Stubby Screw Guide 80mm
2pcs x 25 mm Завртувачи Bits, PH1, PH2
6pcs x 25mm Завртувачи Bits, W/Bit Држач 2x Slotted: 4-6, 8-10
3x Pozidriver: PZ1, PZ2, PZ3
1pc Phillips bit PH3
Hinge Guide
- For use on 3 Jaw and Maklok Chucks.
- Great for installing door hinges
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
1pc Hinge Guide No. 6 with 1x25mm
Pozi 2 Bit, 1x 4-Way Driver Barrel
1pc Hinge Guide No. 8 with 1x25mm
Pozi 2 Bit, 1x 4-Way Driver Barrel
1pc Hinge Guide No. 10 with 1x25mm
Pozi 2 Bit, 1x 4-Way Driver Barrel
11 pcs Hinge Guide Сет
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
4pcs Hinge Guide No. 6/8/10/12 P-51895
4pcs x 25 mm (L) Завртувачи Bits,
2pcs x 25mm Завртувачи Bits, PH1, PH2
6pcs x 25mm (L) Bits, W/1Pc Plastic Држач
4pcs x Slotted: 4, 5, 6, 7mm, 2pcs x Pozi: PZ1/Z3
1pc 4-Way Driver Barrel -
12 pcs 4-Way Driver Сет & Pouch
Опис Шифра.
1x 4-Way Driver Barrel P-46327
2x 4-Way Driver Body With No.8 Pilot and Pozi 2 Bits
1x No.6 Pilot & Countersink Assembly
1x No.10 Pilot & Countersink Assembly
1x No.12 Pilot & Countersink Assembly
6x Replacement Pilot Бургии
Quick change driver and Дупчалки Сет with countersink
17 pcs Maklok Дупчалки and drive Сет
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
4x Nutdrivers 5/16", 6mm, 7mm, 8mm P-51867
7x 50mm(L) Bit 2x Phillips: Ph1, Ph2
5x Pozi: Pz1, Pz2x3pcs, Pz3
5x Шестоаголен Прифат Ѕид Дупчалки 5.5/6/6.5/7/8mm
1x Maklok Quick Change Chuck -
Plastic Case -
20 pcs Quick change Дупчалки and Driver Сет
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
6x 1/4" Hexagon Тело Hss. Бургии
(Titanium Coated),
1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.2, 5, 6.5mm P-46311
1x Stubby Finder/Driver With Pozi 2 Bit -
6x 25mm Завртувачи Bits, 3x Phillips: Ph1, Ph2, Ph3
3x Pozi: PZ1/2/3
5x 1/4" Drive Sockets, 5/16", 6, 7, 8, 10mm
1x 1/4" Quick-Change Adaptor -
1x Project Injection Case W/Clear Cover -
29 pcs Бургии, guide & driver Сет
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
8x 25mm BIT, W/Plastic Држач 4x Pozi: Pz0, Pz1, Pz2, Pz3
4x Phillips: Ph0, Ph1, Ph2, Ph3
4x Slotted: 4,5,6,7mm
2x Torx: T10, T15
2x Квадратен: S1, S2
8x Hexagon Тело HSS Бургии (Titanium Coated) 2.5, 3.2, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6mm
1x Quick Change Adaptor 3x Phillips: Ph1, Ph2, Ph3
3x Pozi: PZ1/2/3
1x Stubby Finder Driver 5/16", 6, 7, 8, 10mm
1x 4xWay Driver Barrel -
1x 4-Way Driver Body -
1x Centre Drilling Guide Body -
Pouch Bag -
32 pcs Maklok Accessory Pouch with belt clip
For use with 3 Jaw or Maklok chucks.
Опис Големина (mm) Шифра.
6x Nutdrivers, 5/16" & 7/8/10/11/13mm P-52021
16x 25mm(L) Bits, W/2pcs Plastic Holders, 4x Hex: 3/4/5/6mm,
4x Slotted: 4/ 5/ 6/ 7mm
4x Torx: T10/ 15/ 20/ 25,
4x Pozi: PZ1/ 2/ 2/ 3
4x Шестоаголен Прифат H.S.S. Дупчалки, Titanium Coated 4/ 5/5.5/6mm
4x Шестоаголен Прифат Ѕид Дупчалки 4/ 5.5/ 7/ 8mm
1x Stubby Screw Guide -
1x Maklok Quick Change Chuck -
Pouch -
Replacement Countersink
For use with 4-way driver attachment.
Опис / Големина Шифра.
1 x Replacement Countersink for Големина No. 6
Screws of replacement Countersink and Replacement
Pilot Дупчалки no. 6
1 x Replacement Countersink for Големина No. 8
Screws of replacement Countersink and Replacement
Pilot Дупчалки no. 8
1 x Replacement Countersink for Големина No. 8
Screws of replacement Countersink and Replacement
Pilot Дупчалки no. 10
Pilot Дупчалки and Grub Screws
Опис / Големина Шифра.
5 x Replacement Pilot Drills, Големина: #6 (3/32")
2 x Replacement Grub Screws
5 x Replacement Pilot Drills, Големина: #8 (7/64")
2 x Replacement Grub Screws
5 x Replacement Pilot Drills, Големина: #10 (1/8")
2 x Replacement Grub Screws
Impact sockets Сет
Опис / Големина Шифра.
9x CR-MO Impact Насадни Клучеви, 40mm Долго,
With " O " Прстен Mounting,
Големина: 5/16, 11/16, 3/4" & 8/10/13/17/19/21mm
9pc Impact Sockets Сет
Blow Molded Case